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Vanessa Chavez


Key essences to attract customers and abundance to a business, according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui not only focuses on the arrangement of furniture and material objects that are part of the decoration, it also gives importance to shapes, colors and aromas to enhance the feeling of harmony in spaces.

Today in The Aroma Trace blog we will tell you about the influence of Feng Shui in the choice of essences and scents for stores, which not only aromatize but also help to create harmonious spaces where positive energy flows.


Key essences to attract customers and abundance to a business, according to Feng Shui

What are the benefits of using scents to attract customers to a business?

The power of smell is undeniable. In recent years it has been shown that pleasant aromas not only change the perception of spaces, but also evoke pleasant memories that make us feel intense emotions.

Thanks to this, the use of aromatic essences has benefits such as:

- Providing unique experiences. Aromas awaken emotions that make us change our mood and perceive the environment in a positive way, which improves our experiences in environments such as offices, consulting rooms or stores.

- Emotional connection. When we like a scent and associate it with a positive emotion, an emotional bond is created that makes us feel preference for businesses or brands, which makes us want to visit them and buy products or services.

- Customer attraction. The effectiveness of scents to attract customers to a business has been demonstrated over time, whether it is food scents such as bread, coffee, vanilla, chocolate or popcorn that awaken the appetite and attract consumers to the place where such a delicious aroma is released. Or, aromas of talcum powder, fruit, wood, among others, to attract customers to specific stores or sections.

- Increased dwell time. Scents not only attract, but also increase the time customers spend in stores, which increases purchases.

- Differentiate the brand from its competitors. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, finding a differentiator that is impossible to deter is very important, and scent is that factor. The sense of smell cannot be turned off, and the emotions that aromas cause are unconscious, so customers are stimulated without realizing it.

- It reinforces brand identity. There are probably products that you choose just because you like the way they smell: deodorants, shampoo, creams, among others... likewise, there are probably brands whose fragrance you love, or businesses that smell so good that you love to visit them.

What is the right scent for each commercial sector?

Retail scents are not chosen at random. For scents to be effective for a specific brand or product, it must reflect the identity of the company and the values of its shoppers.

The recommended flavors by commercial sector are:

Citrus scents

Citrus scents are used to create fresh, revitalizing and energizing atmospheres, where a clean environment is perceived and can counteract negative emotions. In addition, citrus scents improve mood and work as an energy “boost”, so they are related to youth, motivation and joy.

Some citrus fruit scents are: grapefruit, lemon, mandarin or bergamot. These are used in:

- Clothing stores

- Beauty salons

- Medical and dental offices

- Hospitals

- Pharmacies

- Libraries

- Gymnasiums

- Physical therapy centers

- Museums

- Schools

Floral scents

Flower scents are associated with femininity, beauty, elegance, sensuality and serenity. This does not mean that flower essences are exclusive to products and services intended for women, as this depends on the flower chosen. For example, jasmine, violet, lavender and geranium scents are associated with relaxation, so they are used in hotels, spas, massage centers, beauty salons, dental and gynecological offices.

Rose scents are used in businesses associated with luxury, such as flower shops, perfumeries, boutiques and hotel lobbies.

Woody scents

Woody scents are associated with masculinity, generating sensations related to luxury, comfort, sophistication, sobriety and elegance. These scents are usually used in more serious and formal environments, such as:

- Law or accountants' offices

- Offices

- Automobile agencies

- Men's clothing and footwear stores

- Sports bars and restaurants

Herbal scents

Herbal scents are obtained from plants such as thyme, eucalyptus, mint or peppermint, which are known for their healing properties, reducing anxiety, promoting rest and relaxation.

These aromas are used in natural environments or environments that evoke nature, such as yoga centers, party rooms, gyms, cafeterias, restaurants, sportswear stores, among other places where a feeling of freshness and well-being is sought.

Fruity scents

Fruity scents evoke the joy and freshness of summer. They are fragrances related to fun and youth, especially when it comes to tropical fruits such as coconut, mango, watermelon, guava or melon. They are used in:

- Travel agencies

- Hotel lobbies

- Children's bookstores

- Toy libraries

- Entertainment centers

- Clothing stores for children and adolescents

- Candy stores

- Soda fountains

- Beauticians for children and babies

Gourmet aromas

There are other scents considered as gourmet that generate positive associations and sensations such as appetite and impulse buying. Some of these fragrances are:

- Talc. Talcum powder or baby fragrances are used in maternity and baby clothing stores, doctors' offices, pediatric hospitals and maternity clinics.

- Apple-cinnamon. Cinnamon-apple scent is used in real estate agencies, offices and furniture and home furnishings stores to convey home-related sensations.

- Bread, chocolate, vanilla, bread and coffee. Food scents are used to arouse appetite and desire for consumption in pastry shops, bakeries, cafeterias, soda fountains, among other establishments where food is sold.

Is Feng Shui used to attract customers to stores?

Aromas play a leading role in Feng Shui. This is because, according to the ancient philosophy, scents have a powerful impact on the sensory energy of spaces and the people who inhabit them.

Therefore, scents are used to enhance the energy of spaces, promote a good quality of life, harmonize the environment and promote well-being.

For scents to be part of Feng Shui, they must comply with the fundamental principles of this discipline:

- Harmony and balance. Feng Shui seeks to harmonize spaces to allow the flow of energy, creating an atmosphere of relaxation.

- Sensory stimulation. Feng Shui recognizes the importance of stimulating the senses as part of the human experience.

- Symbolic associations. In Feng Shui, symbolic meanings are given to scents, which are often associated with nature.

Popular scents in Feng Shui

The scents used in Feng Shui should be natural, promote harmony, well-being and relaxation. Therefore, the most popular are:

- Lavender. A plant with relaxing properties, reduces stress, promotes sleep and has the ability to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

- Citrus fruits. Fruits such as lemon, grapefruit, tangerine and orange are stimulating, refreshing, increase vitality, promote mental clarity and stimulate creativity.

- Jasmine. The sweet and sensual fragrance of jasmine is associated with love, vitality and passion.

- Sandalwood. This warm, earthy-scented plant is associated with sensuality. In Feng Shui it is believed that sandalwood purifies energy, attracts prosperity and abundance.

Why do scents matter for stores in the customer experience?

Although e-commerce has had a significant boom in recent years, the reality is that customers love shopping. The experience of walking through aisles, trying on clothes, talking to salespeople and enjoying delicious snacks is complemented by aromas.

Together, all these stimuli form a very significant sensory experience for consumers, who take positive memories and emotions home, wanting to repeat the moment again and again.

How to use olfactory marketing and customize it for my business?

The relationship between Feng Shui, aromas and olfactory marketing is very close and significant. Beyond choosing essences to attract customers to a business, it is about taking advantage of the power of aromas to influence energy and create a deep connection with customers.

To choose the ideal fragrance for your business, you need the advice of olfactory marketing specialists who can help you define your objectives, the audience you want to reach, and choose the right fragrance that conveys the values of your business and your customers.

Contact us through our form to request personalized information. Our advisors will be happy to assist you.

woman smelling lavender


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Olfactory marketing in Mexico is a strategy that has been winning hearts through the sense of smell for over a decade. Hundreds of companies have found that scents create closer relationships with customers by providing unique and memorable experiences. Today at The Aroma Trace, we'll tell you what olfactory marketing is, its benefits, strategies, and successful cases of brands that have embraced aromatic experiences for their customers.

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Key essences to attract customers and abundance to a business, according to Feng Shui

You are probably familiar with the ancient Chinese technique called Feng Shui, which is based on a philosophical system to organize the spaces of work and daily life in order to improve the flow of energy (Chi) so that harmony and abundance are present in our spaces. Feng Shui not only focuses on the arrangement of furniture and material objects that are part of the decoration, it also gives importance to shapes, colors and aromas to enhance the feeling of harmony in spaces. Today in The Aroma Trace blog we will tell you about the influence of Feng Shui in the choice of essences and scents for stores, which not only aromatize but also help to create harmonious spaces where positive energy flows.

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