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car scents

Vanessa Chavez


Fresh fruit scent: Enhancing the car agency experience

Buying a car is an exciting experience for anyone. Choosing the model and color is a very important moment that is enriched by a pleasant atmosphere during the buying and selling process. This is where the scent of fresh fruit comes into play. A fresh and revitalizing fragrance that can enhance the shopping experience, transforming the customer's perception in a positive way.


Today, car agencies are looking to stand out from the competition. To achieve this, it is not enough to show innovative models; it is also important to influence customers' purchasing decisions. Aromas are a fundamental part of this process because they revive memories, improve moods and create positive brand associations.

The positive impact of fresh fruits

The right scents have a positive impact on people's minds. That's why, when a place has a pleasant fragrance, customers often have a positive perception. They can influence our actions and our emotions.

Among the most chosen scents by customers are fresh fruit fragrances that make people feel energized and vital.

Fruit fragrances such as oranges, apples or lemons can transform spaces in a unique way, especially in car agencies.

These scents are associated with cleanliness, vitality, freshness and well-being, so when people are inside an establishment, they feel more placid and comfortable.

Fruity aromas

Let's delve into the benefits of fresh fruit flavors for automotive retail establishments:


Orange scent is a citrus fragrance that stimulates the central nervous system, thus promoting positive moods such as happiness, excitement and joy. It is considered an energizer that clears the mind, promotes concentration and reduces stress.

In car dealerships, the scent of orange promotes productivity in employees, creates a pleasant and clean environment, while "nudging" customers to make a purchase decision.

Green apple

Green apple scent is fresh, appetizing and intense, so it improves mood, makes people perceive places as bigger, is a stimulating fragrance and stimulates self-confidence.

This fragrance is recommended in sports car dealerships, or in areas where the customer can see the cars to stimulate self-confidence and the desire to buy.


Lemon is a citrus fragrance used alone or in combination with other fruits such as tangerine or grapefruit to enhance its effect. It is used to improve mood, generate the perception of a clean, spacious and comfortable space.

Lemon scent reduces negative emotions such as anxiety or fear, improves concentration, favors creativity, neutralizes bad odor particles and induces positive commercial responses, such as the desire and decision to buy.

Citrus scents such as lemon are used in car dealerships to create the ideal environment for making important decisions.

Where to use fruit scents in car dealerships?

Fruity scents can be used in different areas of the dealership to provide positive experiences for shoppers. For example, in the waiting room, lemon scent can be used to help clear the mind and reduce car-buying jitters. In showrooms, orange scent can be used to drive the purchase decision. Green apple scent can be used in automobiles to stimulate self-confidence and the desire to buy.

These scents can be used in air fresheners to be spread automatically from time to time to create a cozy, relaxing and constant atmosphere.

Creating pleasant atmospheres with scents

To create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere you need to choose the right scents. The Aroma Trace uses advanced technology to subtly diffuse fragrances. This way, customers feel more comfortable and are more likely to make a purchase because they stay longer looking at the vehicles. Here are the reasons:

- They reduce discomfort: Fresh fruit scents have relaxing properties that make customers live the whole experience forgetting about worries.

- They feel more positive: Fruity aromas improve mood and make people feel happier about the purchase they are about to make.

- Complete well-being: Natural scents make customers feel more comfortable and make them want to spend more time at the agency.

Studies show that customers who are in a place where they feel comfortable are more likely to come back and remember it. Fresh fruit helps to improve the perception of establishments and reinforce brand identity.

The Aroma Trace works with leading perfumers who create unique fragrances for each client. Contact us to have a consultation with our sensory architects, experts in olfactory marketing and live a unique experience.

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Olfactory marketing, a technique that was traditionally associated with department stores and hotels, is extending its influence to new horizons, including the banking sector. Because? Because scent, more powerful than sight and sound in terms of generating memories and emotions, has become a crucial communication channel. In this article, we will explore how aromatization in banks not only strengthens the brand, but also improves customer experience and company perception. Join us on a sensory journey where you will discover how a scent can make a difference in the financial world.

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car scents



Fresh fruit scent: Enhancing the car agency experience

Buying a car is an exciting experience for anyone. Choosing the model and color is a very important moment that is enriched by a pleasant atmosphere during the buying and selling process. This is where the scent of fresh fruit comes into play. A fresh and revitalizing fragrance that can enhance the shopping experience, transforming the customer's perception in a positive way.

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