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Office Scents

Leverage our expertise in Office Experience applied to olfactory sensory architecture and let yourself be guided by experts in your sector.

Live the Olfactory Marketing Experience now


Unique sensory experiences in offices

We teamed up with corporate offices in more than 40 countries, scenting prominent names such as Expedia and Amazon.

We implement sensory architecture in lobbies, corridors, coworking spaces, meeting rooms and executive suites.

Imagine walking into your office and being greeted not only by the buzz of productivity, but also by a carefully selected scent that aligns with your brand identity. Sensorial architecture helps people in offices feel comfortable and comforted in the spaces.


1Enhanced Productivity

Certain scents, like peppermint or citrus, have been associated with increased alertness and cognitive performance. Implementing these scents strategically in office spaces, particularly in areas where concentration is crucial, can positively impact employee productivity. According to a study published in the "International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics," ambient scent in a workplace can significantly enhance employee productivity. The study reported a 15% increase in productivity when a pleasant ambient scent was introduced.

2Improved Employee Well-Being

Pleasant aromas, such as lavender or eucalyptus, have been linked to stress reduction and mood enhancement. Scent marketing in office spaces can contribute to creating a more relaxed and positive atmosphere, fostering improved employee well-being. A survey conducted by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation reported that 84% of participants felt in a better mood when exposed to pleasant scents. Additionally, 79% experienced reduced anxiety.

3Brand Reinforcement

Consistently using a specific scent associated with the brand identity helps reinforce brand recall. This olfactory branding becomes a unique and memorable aspect of the overall brand image, contributing to a lasting impression on employees, clients, and visitors. In a study conducted by the Sense of Smell Institute, it was found that people could recall a scent with 65% accuracy after a year, while visual recall of images dropped to 50% after only three months.


Integrate Scent Marketing in offices

Our expertise allows us to create customized scents to suit office needs. Check out our product.

Flowers in a person's hands

Environmental care

The Aroma Trace has environmental care in mind. That is why it seeks to reduce its carbon footprint, reducing CO₂ emissions in each of its products.













Create your corporate essence

Creating a unique corporate scent is possible. The Aroma Trace has 65 scents to use to establish a brand odotype for the office. This is done through an analysis of the client's needs, taking into account their personality and mood. Having a conversation with each person is important to understand the details of what is needed.

Process 01

We initiate the process by immersing ourselves in a virtual reality presentation where we travel to different environments through scent. Later we immerse in the essence of the client's brand. This involves a comprehensive understanding of their values, objectives, key audience, and the specific emotions they wish to highlight. We maintain a holistic approach to ensure that the olfactory identity is a genuine extension of the brand.

Process 02

We then use our Scent Briefcase with 65 fragrances to determine which fragrance integrates best with the overall brand identity. We consider elements such as the logo, slogan, architecture, space design, corporate colors, and the brand's personality. Based on this process we gift the client mouillettes with the preferred scents and we pick one from our collection or move on to scent creation if the client qualifies.

Process 03

In the case of olfactory creation, our highly skilled and expert team of perfumers meticulously creates 3 to 5 initial aroma samples designed to reflect the brand's values and attributes. Throughout this process, we ensure that each aroma complies with the highest ethical standards and the regulations set by the IFRA.

Process 04

In the case of olfactory creation, we facilitate the testing of these samples with the client using a Sensory Box format. Each sample is presented through a unique video with a QR code, allowing decision-makers to experience the olfactory sensations and participate in a survey at the end to select their favorite aroma. Optionally, we conduct neuromarketing studies to identify the emotions evoked by the aromas in the audience.

Process 05

Based on client feedback and test results, we make adjustments and refine the aromas as necessary. Furthermore, we tailor the aromas for nebulization and prepare them for final testing at specific locations.

Process 06

Once the client selects the final aroma, we strategically implement it in their spaces. Over time, we provide ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that the olfactory identity remains effective and aligns with the brand's evolving needs.

Personalized Products

Scented Creations for Offices

We specialize in creating personalized fragrance solutions, offering a unique olfactory experience tailored to each brand. We also offer our premium home line to bring the same sophistication and distinction into everyday living.

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What are the benefits of olfactory marketing in the office industry?

Olfactory marketing in the office industry offers numerous advantages that contribute to a more productive and positive work environment. Firstly, strategically chosen scents can enhance the overall atmosphere, fostering a sense of well-being and positivity among employees. Pleasant aromas have the potential to reduce stress levels, boost mood, and increase overall job satisfaction. Moreover, olfactory marketing can be tailored to specific areas within the office, such as incorporating invigorating scents in workspaces to enhance focus and concentration, or introducing calming fragrances in break areas to promote relaxation. Creating a pleasant olfactory experience in the office not only improves the well-being of employees but also contributes to a more welcoming and cohesive workplace culture. Additionally, a thoughtfully crafted olfactory ambiance can leave a lasting impression on clients and visitors, enhancing their perception of the office space. In summary, olfactory marketing in the office industry plays a pivotal role in creating a positive, engaging, and conducive work environment.

What are the most commonly used scents in offices?

The choice of scents in offices is often tailored to enhance the work environment and promote positive experiences for employees. Commonly used scents in offices include citrus fragrances, such as lemon and orange, known for their invigorating and mood-boosting properties that can help increase alertness and productivity. Additionally, peppermint and eucalyptus are popular choices for their refreshing and revitalizing qualities, promoting focus and mental clarity. Lavender and chamomile scents are favored for their calming effects, creating a more relaxed atmosphere in areas like break rooms or quiet spaces. Ultimately, the goal is to select scents that align with the desired ambiance for different office areas, whether it's to energize, focus, or create a serene environment, contributing to a more pleasant and productive workplace.

Are scents used in offices safe for the health of guests?

Fragrances used in offices are created with all safety standards. They comply with the stipulations of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). In addition, each fragrance has a data sheet detailing the components, safety and quality standards.

In which areas of offices is scent marketing commonly used?

Scent marketing is commonly used in various areas within offices to enhance the overall work environment and promote a positive atmosphere. Commonly scented areas include office lobbies, reception areas, corridors and shared workspaces. In addition, some offices extend the use of fragrances to specific areas such as break rooms, meeting rooms or collaborative spaces. The strategic deployment of fragrances in these areas aims to create a pleasant and stimulating environment, contributing to employee well-being and satisfaction. The use of carefully selected fragrances can enhance the overall office experience, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

What types of diffusers are commonly used in offices?

In the office sector, a variety of diffusers are strategically employed to ensure effective fragrance distribution in different spaces. Similar to other industries, different diffusers are chosen based on the specific areas within office settings. For larger open workspaces, Nebulizer Stream diffusers may be used to evenly disperse invigorating scents, fostering a positive and energizing environment for employees. In individual offices or meeting rooms, trace mist diffusers may be selected for more localized, subtle fragrance diffusion, and low noise. Additionally, desktop or personal diffusers are often employed to enhance the work environment and boost concentration. Some offices may integrate fragrance diffusers with smart features to customize scents based on the time of day or specific needs of the employees. In larger communal areas or break rooms, advanced diffusers similar to the Beasty may be strategically installed to work through the ventilation system, ensuring consistent and pleasant atmospheres throughout the entire office space. The diverse selection of diffusers allows for a tailored approach to fragrance, contributing to a more enjoyable and productive work environment for employees.

Do you offer exclusivity in the development of olfactory identity for your office customers?

Yes, we offer a unique identity to each office. We are committed to not providing the same fragrance to another. This makes the spaces stand out and the scents are personalized.

How long does it take to develop a customized office fragrance?

The process for each scent can take 1 to 2 months. During this time, the chemical mixture that reflects the identity of the requested office is sought. Several samples are made, to give a customized product. At the end, the customer's evaluation remains.

Are office scents natural?

Depending on the type of aroma. Usually they are natural, but sometimes they may be mixed with synthetic ingredients. This is positive because it avoids allergens and fragrance sensitivity. All our products are regulated according to IFRA (International Fragrance Association).

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