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Flavors for restaurants

Leverage our expertise in customer experience applied to olfactory sensory architecture and let yourself be guided by experts in your sector.

Olfactory Marketing Experience


Develop unique experiences for diners

We have partnered with restaurants around the world, transforming their spaces into immersive and memorable places.

Scent marketing is an innovative approach that transcends traditional ambiance. Imagine walking into a restaurant and being greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread or the subtle notes of herbs and spices. These carefully selected aromas are strategically designed to enhance your dining experience, evoke positive emotions and leave a lasting impression.

Our sensory architecture integrates seamlessly into dining spaces, entryways, bar areas, kitchens and lounges. The result is a harmonious fusion of flavors and aromas, elevating the atmosphere of your restaurant to new heights.

Whether it's a fine dining restaurant, a cozy café, a beach club or a lively bistro, The Aroma Trace offers a customized approach to scent marketing. Immerse yourself in a multi-sensory experience that will leave a lasting impression on your guests' memories. Explore the art of scent marketing and redefine the way your customers perceive and enjoy their dining moments.


1Increased Appetite

Scent marketing strategically utilizes aromas that are known to stimulate the appetite. Fragrances associated with fresh herbs, spices, or the sizzling aroma of grilled dishes can create a sensory experience that awakens and enhances the desire to eat. Introducing scents that align with the cuisine offered builds anticipation and excitement for the upcoming dining experience. Customers are more likely to explore the menu and indulge in a variety of dishes.

2Positive Reviews and Word of Mouth

Scent marketing contributes to creating a memorable and enjoyable dining atmosphere. Customers who have a positive multisensory experience, including appealing scents, are more inclined to leave positive reviews on platforms like social media, review websites, and word of mouth. Pleasant aromas add an extra dimension to the overall dining experience, making it more shareable. Customers are motivated to share their positive experiences with friends and family, amplifying the restaurant's positive reputation.

3Enhanced Ambiance

Scent marketing allows restaurants to align their aromas with the overall theme or concept of the establishment. Whether it's a seaside restaurant with oceanic scents or a cozy cafe with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the carefully chosen fragrances enhance the ambiance and contribute to a more immersive environment. A well-crafted ambiance, enhanced by appealing scents, fosters a positive emotional connection with the restaurant. Customers associate the restaurant not only with delicious food but also with a unique and enjoyable atmosphere.


Use Scent Marketing to enhance the immersion of your memories

We create scents according to the particularities of each restaurant. Evaluate a free trial with us.

Flowers in a person's hands

Working against CO2 Emissions

The Aroma Trace works carefully to reduce its carbon footprint. It does so by taking care of its products and decreasing CO₂ emissions in aromatized spaces.













Scent design for your brand

The design of a restaurant's scent must be exclusive. That is why we have 65 fragrances to create the perfect odotype. The goal is that customers feel unique experiences with that product. For that we make the necessary tests by having a conversation with each person and understanding their needs. The Aroma Trace App helps identify the scent that is best for you.

Process 01

We initiate the process by immersing ourselves in a virtual reality presentation where we travel to different environments through scent. Later we immerse in the essence of the client's brand. This involves a comprehensive understanding of their values, objectives, key audience, and the specific emotions they wish to highlight. We maintain a holistic approach to ensure that the olfactory identity is a genuine extension of the brand.

Process 02

We then use our Scent Briefcase with 65 fragrances to determine which fragrance integrates best with the overall brand identity. We consider elements such as the logo, slogan, architecture, space design, corporate colors, and the brand's personality. Based on this process we gift the client mouillettes with the preferred scents and we pick one from our collection or move on to scent creation if the client qualifies.

Process 03

In the case of olfactory creation, our highly skilled and expert team of perfumers meticulously creates 3 to 5 initial aroma samples designed to reflect the brand's values and attributes. Throughout this process, we ensure that each aroma complies with the highest ethical standards and the regulations set by the IFRA.

Process 04

In the case of olfactory creation, we facilitate the testing of these samples with the client using a Sensory Box format. Each sample is presented through a unique video with a QR code, allowing decision-makers to experience the olfactory sensations and participate in a survey at the end to select their favorite aroma. Optionally, we conduct neuromarketing studies to identify the emotions evoked by the aromas in the audience.

Process 05

Based on client feedback and test results, we make adjustments and refine the aromas as necessary. Furthermore, we tailor the aromas for nebulization and prepare them for final testing at specific locations.

Process 06

Once the client selects the final aroma, we strategically implement it in their spaces. Over time, we provide ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that the olfactory identity remains effective and aligns with the brand's evolving needs.

Personalized Products

Scented Creations for Restaurants

We specialize in creating personalized fragrance solutions, offering a unique olfactory experience tailored to each brand. We also offer a premium home line to bring the same sophistication and distinction into everyday living.

Discover More


What are the benefits of olfactory marketing in the restaurant industry?

Olfactory marketing in the restaurant industry offers a myriad of benefits, contributing to a more immersive and memorable dining experience for patrons. Strategic use of scents can influence customers' perceptions, enhancing the overall ambiance of the establishment. For instance, the aroma of freshly baked bread can evoke feelings of warmth and comfort, while hints of herbs and spices can complement the culinary experience. Studies have shown that pleasant scents can positively impact customer satisfaction and influence their perception of food quality. A study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that ambient scent significantly influences customers' evaluations of both the environment and the food. Additionally, unique and signature scents can help create a distinctive brand identity, fostering customer loyalty and encouraging repeat visits. Overall, olfactory marketing provides a powerful tool for restaurants to enhance the sensory dimension of their brand and elevate the overall dining experience.

What are the most commonly used scents in restaurants to enhance the customer experience?

Restaurants strategically employ a variety of scents to enhance the overall customer experience. Among the most commonly used scents are those associated with appetizing and comforting aromas that elevate the dining atmosphere. Fragrances like freshly brewed coffee, baked bread, and sizzling spices often create a welcoming ambiance, enticing customers and influencing their perceptions of the culinary offerings. Additionally, subtle hints of herbs, citrus, or wood smoke may be integrated to complement specific cuisines or themes, contributing to a more immersive and enjoyable dining experience. These carefully selected scents aim to evoke positive emotions, trigger pleasant memories, and positively impact customers' perceptions of food quality, ultimately contributing to a memorable and satisfying dining venture.

Are the scents safe for the health of customers?

Yes, the scents used in restaurants are carefully chosen with customer health and safety in mind. All fragrances adhere to regulations established by reputable authorities such as the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). Furthermore, each fragrance utilized in the restaurant is accompanied by a safety data sheet outlining its components, ensuring compliance with stringent standards for quality and safety. This meticulous approach guarantees that customers can relish a delightful olfactory experience while being assured of a safe and healthy environment.

In which areas of restaurants is scent marketing commonly used?

In the restaurant industry, scent marketing is routinely employed in key areas to enrich the overall dining experience. In particular, scents are strategically integrated into dining rooms, entrances and bars to create a welcoming and inviting environment for customers. In addition, restaurants often extend the use of fragrances to restrooms and waiting areas, which contributes to creating a pleasant atmosphere and enhancing the overall brand image. The strategic deployment of fragrances aims to evoke positive emotions, stimulate appetite and leave a lasting impression on customers, ensuring that the olfactory aspect plays a crucial role in the overall satisfaction and enjoyment of the dining experience.

What types of diffusers are commonly used in restaurants?

In the restaurant industry, various types of diffusers are strategically employed to ensure effective fragrance distribution in different areas. As in hotels and interior decorating environments, different diffusers are chosen according to the specific spaces within restaurants. For large dining areas, Stream Nebulizer diffusers are often used to evenly disperse captivating aromas, creating a harmonious atmosphere for diners. In more intimate spaces, such as private dining rooms or bar areas, Trace Mist diffusers may be preferred for localized, subtle fragrance diffusion. In addition, personalized and pleasurable dining experiences are often highlighted through the use of tabletop diffusers or cane diffusers, contributing to a more intimate connection between diners and the restaurant setting. In larger, non-public areas within restaurants, advanced diffusers with Beasty-like characteristics can be strategically installed to work through the ventilation system, enabling powerful and efficient diffusion of fragrances throughout the establishment. The diverse selection of diffusers allows for a customized approach to fragrances, enriching the overall dining experience for customers.

Do you offer exclusivity in the development of olfactory identity for your restaurant customers?

Yes, each restaurant deserves its own identity. That's why we don't offer the same fragrances. This will make your olfactory identity stand out from the rest.

How long does it take to develop a customized restaurant fragrance?

To produce the fragrance for a restaurant, the process can take between 1 and 2 months approximately. The objective is to provide what the customer needs. For this, we look for the perfect blend that identifies it.

Are restaurant aromas natural?

Some restaurant fragrances are natural. However, there are certain fragrances that also have synthetic ingredients. These are necessary to delimit allergens and reduce fragrance susceptibility. Likewise, the products are sustainable.

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